On April 9th 2024, WCCA TV intern, Kevin Figueroa attended "Supportive Housing: Solving Homelessness in the Commonwealth" whichwas held from 9 am to 11:30 am at Assumption University. State leaders, policymakers, housing experts, and nonprofit organizations that provide quality supportive housing presented innovative and practical solutions for people experiencing long-term homelessness. Speakers and panelists highlighted work underway to scale supportive housing options to reach a goal of 10,000 supportive housing units in the Commonwealth by 2030. Presenters shared best practices for scaling supportive housing and strategic public and private partnerships. Massachusetts Alliance for Supportive Housing (MASH), the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC), and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) are partnering on the kick-off of a five-month learning series to advance permanent supportive housing in the Commonwealth. On any given night across the state, a heartbreaking 1,300 people sleep outside with no shelter options. The forum built upon investments the Commonwealth has already made to tackle the affordable home crisis that has exacerbated long-term homelessness.
In attendance was :
Keynote: Secretary Ed Augustus, Jr., Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC)
The Honorable Joseph M. Petty, Mayor, City of Worcester
Eric D. Batista, City Manager, City of Worcester
Juana Matias, Regional Administrator, New England, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Kate Racer, Undersecretary, EOHLC
Emily Cooper, Special Advisor on Housing, MassHealth
Deborah De Santis, President and CEO, CSH
Barbara Green-Flood, Eastern Region Managing Director, CSH
Christi Staples, Vice President, Policy and Government Relations, United Way of Massachusetts Bay (UWMB)
Joyce Tavon, CEO, Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance (MHSA)
Posted April 20th 2024 5:12pm.