WCCA TV Executive Director Mauro DePasquale interviews Yaffa Fain, the City of Worcester's Assistant Cultural Development Officer, and Victoria Mariano, Program Director of the Downtown Worcester Business Improvement District (BID), about Movies on the Common and the Out to Lunch and Farmers' Market. WCCA TV is a proud media sponsor of Movies on the Common, a series of free family events open to all ages for a fun night under the stars! Enjoy an evening of your favorite movies with vendors selling local goods from beverages and sandwiches to popcorn and more. Starting June 20 to October 17, on the 3rd Thursday of each month starting at 6 pm. The Out to Lunch Festival and Farmers' Market series will feature six weeks of live performances, crafters, food vendors, and farmers on Thursdays, July 11 to August 15, 2024 (Rain Dates: August 22 & 29) at the historic Worcester Common Oval. The festival will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on these dates.
Posted June 25th 2024 7:19pm.