Imagine Worcester #60 Spirit of Hope

A show about peace hosted by Virginia Swain. Pamela Reidy and Audrey Hunter In the nearly two years since the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. Spirit of Hope, founded by Pamela Reidy, continues to fund individuals and groups to work in Haiti, rebuilding the poorest nation in our hemisphere. We have worked with many volunteers here in the states to make it possible for those who wish to give service in Haiti. Pam began traveling to Haiti in 1990 with students and has returned an average of once a year since that time. In Haiti, she has worked in a variety of settings including small group homes, schools, clinics, hospitals and orphanages. Her love of the Haitian people is strong and vibrant. She has developed enduring relationships with teachers, church people, and children in Haiti. Here in the United States, she fostered a Haitian son, John, who has since returned to Haiti. Following the January 12th earthquake, Pam reunited with many of her former students to form Spirit of Hope as she realizes that the lack of funding is one of the primary reasons many people are unable to travel to Haiti and help. “The rebuilding of Haiti will be arduous and long, and it will take many hands,” she says, “while countless Americans are out of work and able to go to help in the rebuilding, they cannot afford the trip.” She concludes, “It is my great hope, that this organization will support those who can and want to help by giving direct service in Haiti.” She is currently employed as Director of Mission Integration at Notre Dame Health Care, a campus providing elder care services in Worcester. Audrey Hunter RN, BA, HNC is a well-respected holistic nurse who has been a pioneer in sharing her knowledge about the Mind/Body/Spirit connection towards wellness. One of her passions is being involved with Forward in Health a non-profit organization who provides health care to children in the Les Cayes area of Haiti. She has also been a consultant to Spirit of Hope project. Professionally Audrey for many years has worked in the field of Mental Health and Addictions. She has developed and integrated a Holistic Stress Reduction philosophy at The McLean Center at Fernside, Princeton, Ma.

Posted August 15th 2011 4:11pm.

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